Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Comprehensive Listing Of Kimkins Information Sites
And thanks to the tireless bloggers and article writers who are doing all they can to chip away at the Evil Kimpire.
Kimkins Exposed
Becky: Winning Weight
Christin: The Journey
Deni: Open Bench
Free Kimkins Free
Jimmy Moore’s Apology
Kimkins @ Slamboard
Kimkins Controversy
Kimkins Dangers
Kimkins Sucks!
Kimkins Survivors
Kkatastrophediet’s Weblog
TRUTH Starts Here
3 Fat Chicks: Anatomy of a Diet Scam Inside Kimkins
A Pinch Of…
How Jeanessa Got Scammed
How Much Body Fat Can You Really Lose In A Week?
Jersey Girl: Thoughts on Kimkins
Kimkins Circus
Kimkins Controversy Continues to Boil
Kimkins Debacle; Super Smart Diet Tips
Kimkins Experience Part 1
Kimkins Experience Part 2
Kimkins Saga Revisited
Kimkins Survivors
Mama Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Anorexic
Tami’s Change in Game Plan
The Problem with Kimkins
Thin at Any Cost
A Running Jewel
Kimkins Circus
The Quack of Doom: Entering the circus for the first time?
Once Upon A Diet
Someone in Southern California may need an attorney soon
The Final Escape
melting mama: Kimkins Scam.
Have you ever screamed so loud that the room echoed? « Incredible Shrinking Ladies
Inside the Kimkins Controversy
A Dumbbell In A Home Gym: Kimkins: Caveat Freakin’ Emptor.
Heard of the Kimkins Diet? Steer Clear it’s a total scam!
Vickie’s Voice: …more of my story…
The Road to Clarity and Transformation: The Kimmer (Kimkins) Controversy and a Parallel Universe
Banished…oh Fo’ Shame. not.
a mother’s heart » the kimkins debacle
Vilma’s World » Kimkins on Dateline & other complaints
Because I Said So: KimKims Survivors
Hundred Day Head Start Kimkins a fraud
Healthy Low-Carb Living Blog: Kimkins - How I Feel About It Now
Back Across The Line: Kimkins Cult Mentality
Good Carbma: Words for Heidi Diaz
Living Low Carb & Lovin’ It!: What an Amazing Day This Has Been!
Borat Does Kimkins: Hello From Borat!
Kimkins Nightmares
stepping up to the plate « 2big4mysize’s Weblog
Kimkins Scam
Willa’s Notebook
Doggy Girl’s Weblog
All About Kimkins & More
Itscloudyinhere’s Weblog
Psychic Rations: The Slimmer Kimmer That Wasn’t
Beware: Kimkins Diet is Dangerous!!: Just Say NO
Kimkins Lies
Sparkly and (soon to be) Skinny!: A new safe haven
Stop Kimkins Now!: Stop Kimkins Now!
Kimkins Soap Opera Story - AnthaBeth’s blog
Kristine’s Low Carb Corner
Time for a Recap!
Oh my...what a strange and eventful year it has been!
I've taken some time off from reporting on the Kimkins fiasco/scam/fraud. I've been concentrating on doing some undercover work and following things very closely, but I've not blogged or been particularly vocal anywhere in recent weeks.
But first, with the New Year rapidly approaching, I think it's important to add my voice to the growing number of bloggers who are genuinely concerned about those Oh-So-Familiar New Year's Resolutions.

The one we all make, "I'm gonna lose a few (or a lot) of pounds finally this year if it kills me."
Let me share something. I just got back from a visit to a new doctor who specializes in hormone rebalancing. You know what she said to me when I told her about my little Kimkins diet experience? "Oh no!! Diets DO NOT work and neither does cutting fat!"
Folks, I could have cried. Or kissed her. It's a very rare doctor indeed who has moved on beyond the Great American Low Fat Mantra. What an answer to prayer!
Please. Remember her words (this is an MD!): Diets DO NOT work! Neither does cutting out fat!
If you've read any of the rest of my blog, or even the title, you know what's coming next.
It's not FAT that makes us fat. It's insulin. What drives up insulin? Carbs.
It's really very simple. Cut carbs, lose the insulin spikes....lose the fat.
Some good ones to consider:
Protein Power, South Beach, Atkins, Dr. Groves (Natural Health and Weight Loss)....just a few of the lower carb eating plans out there. Do the research, try a low carb eating plan (not a's not a temporary fix, you need to change your entire way of eating!) and see what a difference low carb eating can make in your waistline, your general mood, your overall health.
And here it comes...the one to AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE is Kimkins. Folks, there is simply no more dangerous, nutritionally-bankrupt diet out there than Kimkins. Seriously!
You can expect to see Heidi Diaz aka "Kimmer" spamming the internet over the next couple months because she needs the business. Most of her previous members have fled. It's a ghost-town in the Kimkins forum. But yanno, it's all about the money for Ms Diaz and you can bet she is ready to PREY on those desperate people who have decided that 2008 is their year to lose the weight and get in shape. JUST SAY NO TO KIMKINS!! I can't say it enough.
Please, I did the diet! I know how bad this one is! As if the fact that the founder herself still weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 morbidly-obese pounds and cannot lose the weight herself, following her own diet, then believe the words of her early admins who fled the site one by one (or were banned for questioning the Mighty Kimmer).
In closing, I want to remind you to check all the new links over on the side menu. And here's to a wonderful, prosperous and healthy New Year to you all in 2008!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Back to ME :-)

Well, it's been a really busy month for me, so it's been a while since I last posted.
I have to tell you about this fabulous, stupendous book I just finished reading!! Honestly, in my opinion Gary Taubes deserves the Pulitzer Prize for this amazing expose on diet, nutrition and the medical/scientific juggernaut that for about a hundred years has been promoting the WRONG nutrients - namely carbohydrates - as the mainstay of our diets.
This book angered me.
I admit it. I have a high level of personal justice. I guess I got that from my dad, the attorney and judge. But seriously, in every chapter I became outraged afresh at the way good science has repeatedly been subjugated to foregone conclusions/agendas by scientists and doctors who should have known better!
If you happen to be new to my blog, and if you happen to be unfamiliar with low carb eating, let me put it into a nutshell for you. Sugar, starch and refined carbohydrate, processed foods are literally killing us. I believe that with all my heart.
I sit here today as proof of what a healthy, standard American diet can do to wreak havoc on your waistline and your overall health. I've been quite a health nut for years. I know I've been eating better than most of the people I know. I have always loved whole grains and vegetables. I baked my own whole grain breads. I bought whole-grain cereals. We always ate vegetables and have had a veggie garden since 2000. I didn't eat a LOT of fruit but that's just because it filled me up and I would hate wasting it. I dearly love bananas and citrus fruit, though. My favorite Christmas gift each year is the big box of Albritton's Fresh Citrus fruit sent to us by the in-laws.
In addition to a well-rounded diet with as much organic and unprocessed foods as I have been able to manage in the past few years, I also take quite a few nutritional supplements such as Kyo-Green Harvest Blend and even eat ---- ack!!! ---- tofu! I love sushi. I love raw foods. I could live on salads.
Wouldn't you expect me to be normal or near-normal weight and in the peak of health? Sure you would expect that. But guess what. As Gary Taubes so eloquently said it in his NYTimes article (cited and linked down below a few blogs ago), It's All Been a Big Fat Lie!
I'm at least 40 lbs overweight. I had cancer last year. My fasting blood sugar last time tested was pre-diabetic range. My thyroid is shot. I'm anemic. I have GERD with Barrett's Esophagus, which is precancerous changes of the esophagus. I have Fatty Liver Disease. I've had high cholesterol for at least 10 years and high triglycerides to boot.
Granted, some of this metabolic damage is no doubt due to my fairly frequent attempts over the past 25 years to lose weight. I've almost never done a sensible, slow diet. I always jump on the fastest weightloss promise/fad out there. I acknowledge that I've undoubtedly done a lot of damage with fad dieting. However. What has led to my constant upward spiral of weight gain?
A "healthy diet" laden with carbs.
In June, I told my doctor "no more statins". I was miserable. Every part of my body ached constantly. My feet and ankles HURT in the morning when I got out of bed and put weight on them. Exercising became torturous. I felt fatigued and sick all the time.
Kicking statin drugs to the curb was the first thing I did in taking back control of my health. The second thing I did turned out to not be such a good thing in the short term but I have to say that starting on the Kimkins diet and becoming familiar with Low Carb eating has completely changed not only my outlook on food and nutrition, but my health as well.
In late Sept., having been off the statins for the first time in 2 years, my numbers were slightly improved! One of these days I'll get the previous years' figures and post them here. But I'm happy to report my LDL is up and my triglycerides are down! Just by eating low carb--YAY!
The aches and pains are gone. Now as for my weight, I've only lost 10 lbs and have been stalling for about 3 months. But I now know it's due to my thyroid. I've been taking Synthroid for 25 yrs. Always took the doctor's word for it when they said, "your thyroid's fine" or "we need to make a small adjustment". Well, another thing I've done recently is learn all about hypothyroidism. Two excellent online resources for thyroid disease are here and here.
I insisted on switching to Armour Thyroid. What a difference! I felt better and more energetic within 3 days. Now, 4 weeks later I can feel my body adjusting to the current dosage so I know I'll need to up it soon. But wow, I honestly know why I read testimonials about Armour with people saying "Armour thyroid gave me my life back".
I think each of us deserves the best health information and care we can get. I believe that in this day and age of managed medicine, it behooves each person to learn as much as we can about our health. After all, my doctor has perhaps hundreds of patients to be concerned with. I only have one patient, ME. If I can learn for myself what is best for my body and my health, I will be the best partner to my doctor in creating a healthy lifestyle for myself.
Right now that lifestyle looks like lots of organic meat, brown eggs, cheeses and butter, with loads of fresh green leafy veggies. I wouldn't go back for anything--not even tempted!
Til next time...take care of yourself! Have a great, cool, Fall weekend and don't forget to set your clocks back tonight :-)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Can you say "OH So Busted!"

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Way to Go Jimmy!!!

Help.....I've been assimilated.....

I'm writing to alert you to a fraudulent and dangerous starvation diet plan (not just low carb, but very low carb, low calorie and low fat) which you are encouraging by (put in appropriate verbiage here such as links to pages, etc).
Three of the original Kimkins "headliner" administration/success stories has since left Kimkins, and in fact they each have ongoing blogs explaining what a terrible mistake their involvement was with Kimkins and Heidi Diaz, the 300lb+ scammer behind the diet.
If you wish to research further, please go to these sites:
....and as you can see, there are so many more!
Thank you for your time,
A very concerned ex-Kimkins member and concerned citizen
Becky: Winning Weight
Christin: The Journey
Deni: Open Bench
Free Kimkins Free
Jimmy Moore's Apology
Kimkins @ Slamboard
Kimkins Controversy
Kimkins Dangers
Kimkins Sucks!
Kimkins Survivors
Kkatastrophediet’s Weblog
TRUTH Starts Here
Active Low-Carber Part 2
Active Low-Carber Part 3
Active Low-Carber Part 4
Discouraging the Kimkins Diet
Why the Fascination with Kimmer Part 1
Why the Fascination with Kimmer Part 2
Why the Fascination with Kimmer Part 3
Wonder or Diet Fraud
A Pinch Of... Inside Kimkins
How Jeanessa Got Scammed
How Much Body Fat Can You Really Lose In A Week?
Jersey Girl: Thoughts on Kimkins
Kimkins Circus
Kimkins Controversy Continues to Boil
Kimkins Debacle; Super Smart Diet Tips
Kimkins Experience Part 1
Kimkins Experience Part 2
Kimkins Saga Revisited
Kimkins Survivors
Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Anorexic
Tami's Change in Game Plan
The Problem with Kimkins
Thin at Any Cost
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Kudos To 3 Ladies!
Also, Deni's blog
and Becky's blog
Publicly, I want to say I support Deni, Becky and Christin for doing what's right. They have my deepest respect and support at this most difficult and soul-searching time.
I wish them well in their future endeavors. With the valuable knowledge these ladies have gained about dieting and nutrition, they may be in a good position to continue to bring the truth about any detrimental type of diet such as Kimkins.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
What an Amazing Day This Has Been!

Friday, August 31, 2007
Silent No More

Yes, I lost weight, about 14 lbs in about 3 weeks.
Shortly after that day at the Y (I didn't make the connection between my caloric intake and the failed workout) I began experiencing what felt like gallbladder attacks. My GERD was out of control and I had to begin taking double my daily dose of Nexium. Red Flag #3
I began adding some fat back into my diet, knowing by that time that keeping your gallbladder "out of work" is not advisable. Of course this upped my caloric intake considerably.
VP Health & Fitness
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Good News...Bad News

Good News Today: BP back to normal for me: 118/76 - Yay!
And there's more good news. Seems that my low carb/high fat diet has pretty much eliminated my GERD. I haven't needed or taken my Nexium in nearly two weeks. I give most of the credit to virgin coconut oil which I began eating in various forms almost a month ago.
Now the bad news :-(
My fasting blood glucose level was 108 a couple weeks ago. Mind you, this is about 6 weeks into low carb dieting.
Not good. This all fits the picture I suspected. I probably do have Syndrome X, or insulin resistance. No huge surprise there, given my years of near-vegetarianism and pigging out on such dietary staples as brown and basmati rice, pasta, popcorn and homemade whole-grain breads.
Furthermore we now know my thyroid medication is also insufficient. I have been reading up voraciously on thyroid disease so I can really talk turkey with my internal medicine doc. Now it seems I'd best educate myself well on pre-diabetes as well.
Once again, I hope and pray I've dodged a bullet. The "cure" for pre-diabetes, insulin resistance is - yep, you guessed it - low carb eating.
Here's a link to a very interesting and important bit of information. Happy Reading and have a fun and safe Labor Day Weekend, all. God bless :-)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Learn Sumpin' New Every Day!

My recent reading list (in red, not finished yet)
Living the Low Carb Life - Bowden
The Protein Power Lifeplan - Eades
Eat Fat, Lose Fat - Enig & Fallon
Life Without Bread - Allan
Coconut Cures - Fife
Natural Health and Weight Loss - Groves
The Fat Flush Foods - Gittleman
Heartburn Cured (The Low Carb Miracle) - Robillard
Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System - Bragg
And this doesn't even begin to cover all the blogs, low carb discussion forums etc that I've frequented. Whew...time to get a life!!
Like anything else new to me, if it catches my interest then look out...I get obsessive about it for a while.
Notice I've been skirting all the way around Atkin's publications and haven't included them in my new LC library. Hmmmm......maybe I'm just working my way backwards.
Several things have become clear to me.
I have a fat addiction. Oh yeah, you can take away my sugar and my bread. Keep the cookies and birthday cake, donuts don't impress me none (Shania Twain tune), but DO NOT TOUCH MY BUTTER. I want some cream with that fruit, and virgin coconut oil could have cyanide in it...but I think maybe I would still eat it every day now that I've discovered it.
Dr. Barry Groves and I would get along just fine. I like his philosophy and my goodness I do hope he's right. I hope Bruce Fife is right too. Now the Coconut Cures book just floored me with all the claim for virgin coconut oil and coconut products. I will continue to pursue that track.
I've also discovered (about myself) that I have been skating real close to the edge, sometimes going right over the line.
I guess I need some super self-discipline from somewhere, but I haven't been able to find it at Vitacost, Netrition, or Google it anywhere :-(
On the health front: found out I'm undermedicated for my hypothyroid problem. Great. Just what you want to hear when you've been on a diet for almost 3 months and have lost a total of about 10 lbs and that was the first 2 weeks. At any rate, I've got my internist looking into it. Hopefully she and I can come up with a plan. Or an endocrinologist!
Today is the first day of Atkins Fat Fast for me. I'm not sure I'll be able to tough it out but I'm gonna try.
Well that's it for today. Have a good one and stay cool!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Compelling Reading!!
"What If It's All Been A Big Fat Lie?" by Gary Taubes
Friday, August 10, 2007
EEEWWWW! Fatty Liver??? (not what you think!)
I just got off the phone with my gastroenterologist's office nurse. Seems I have a condition called "fatty liver". Here is what I was able to find online about this condition: (reprint from Mayo Clinic article)
Now I know I've had the risk elements in place for this for a long time, namely high serum cholesterol and high triglycerides. Thank heaven, I don't drink anymore (rarely).
I'm happy to note from several sites that a high fat diet isn't responsible for the formation of this problem. The treatment IS losing weight and getting blood lipids under control - EXACTLY what I am trying to do by following a low carb diet!
I also have what they say is a small lesion on my liver. Now that I hope turns out to be nothing serious. Time will tell.
I'm feeling those same goose-bumpy feelings about all this that I got when they discovered my cancer. I was already determined to lose weight, have been low-carb eating since June, and then I find out I'm already doing the very thing they recommend to reverse fatty liver.
God is so good to tell us things we need, even when we think we *thought of it* ourselves ;-D
Saturday, July 21, 2007
What an interesting Journey this is turning into!

I came home with a stack of books! Most of them on the recommended reading list by Jonny Bowden. Why didn't I just go to the library? Because I want cutting edge, recent edition stuff. I found one book particularly fascinating: The Leptin Boost Diet: Unleash Your Fat-Controlling Hormones for Maximum Weight Loss by Scott Isaacs.
Also on the must-read this weekend list is Eat Fat, Lose Fat: The Healthy Alternative to Trans Fats by Dr. Mary Enig and Sally Fallon; The Protein Power Lifeplan by Drs. Eades; and The Fat Flush Foods by Ann Louise Gittleman.
I'm sort of transitioning over to the principles of Eat Fat to Lose Fat by Enig, because I've seen her name come up so many times in my cholesterol research, and now about dietary fats. The work she has done is amazing. I'm also using a lot of the principles of Protein Power, keeping the next few weeks very low carb, and as natural as possible. No processed or frankenfoods. Organic as much as I can.
Here's why I feel it's so important to research all this dietary/nutrition information.
A bit of history: I was developing some gallbladder symptoms mid-week, and it scared me. You see, I had a lot of problems last winter. My family doctor told me last October, "It's time for your first colonoscopy, Steph". Oh ICK, I thought. I'm not the greatest patient in the world, and I really didn't think I needed it. But I went through with it once they assured me that I wouldn't remember a thing about it afterward.
Well.....thank goodness I did. They found cancer. Thank God, they caught it early. After a few biopsies and some minor surgery, along with some super nutritional dietary changes (I began taking every supplement I read about that had anti-cancer properties and went on an ESSIAC protocol as well), and a HUGE amount of prayer, and I was declared cancer-free the end of Feb, 2007.
Along the way they also figured out (by doing an endoscopy at the other end) that I not only have GERD, but have apparently had it long enough to develop something called Barrett's Esophagus.
More good news: They found I had a dilated biliary duct (pancreas), and when they checked it further with a test called an ERCP, the dye went astray and caused nearly instant severe pancreatitis. That landed me in the hospital sick as a dog for 4 days.
So...when my belly hurts, I pay close attention nowadays :-) I learned the hard and scary way that it's not a good idea to ignore your health (even when you think you feel fine). Preventive medicine has come a long way. I told everyone I certainly don't mind being the Preventive Medicine Posterchild!
Something I learned in my reading is that low fat diets can provoke the formation of gallstones. I don't need that. I also had basically stalled out on the weightloss. So that was getting to me. I was hungry all the time--not a happy place :-(
So, it's time to find an eating plan that works with my own particular metabolism and health issues. It's actually a fascinating journey.
Maybe best of all, I dropped another pound today, and the belly pains are gone along with the gnawing hunger!! Time will tell.
Have a great weekend :-D It's cool outside here in Ohio, amazingly so for mid-July. We're loving it!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Weight of the Evidence - Highly Recommended Reading
Weight of The Evidence
Things that make you go "Hmmmmm....."
Yesterday and today have been very eye-opening days for me, information wise, in the world of internet low carb lifestyles. I mean, I knew there were various plans out there and there is no such thing as a One Size Fits All type of low carb WOE. But - YIKES - the drama! The accusations, the vitriol!
Yesterday, I read with considerable dismay about the attacks on Jimmy Moore( with regard to his support of the Kimkins diet. I began to search for more information. The more I looked, the uglier it got.
Just a few examples:
Slamboard - Kimkins Diet {ok...this one freaks me out =8-O
The Storm over Kimmer/Kimkins Diet Episode 69
Cleochatra's Blog (July 16)
I refuse (at this moment) to take sides. I just don't know enough to have what I consider a truly informed opinion. Yes, I'm still enrolled at the Kimkins site. I also now belong to several other low-carb discussion forums. I'm reading about a book a day on the topic; just about anything I can get my hands on. After all, this is MY LIFE. My health, my weight is on the line here. I can't afford any mistakes...well, not many.
There are others far more experienced and more qualified to enter the fray than I am. For now, I'll just keep a watchful eye and open mind, and keep on low carbin' my way to healthier weight and waistline.
(In case you're wondering....I'm probably transitioning to Protein Power or maybe good old Atkins. And I'm down another pound!)
Have a great day :-) And don't let the drama get ya down!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Yes Indeedy - Pure Protein Works!

Well.....I'm down a whole lb. on the scale this morning. Finally!
I tell you, you sure learn a lot about yourself when you take on a challenge like serious weightloss.
The last program I worked successfully was Body For Life. Now that's a program that flat out works, too. Unfortunately, in the middle of my second 12 week challenge (yes, I actually did 2 official BFL Challenges back in 2001!) I had minor surgery followed by a major surgery (hysterectomy) and that put a halt to the BFL workouts. No sooner was I ready to start back with doctor's permission, I tore my right rotator cuff and so...forgeddaboudit again :-(
After all that, I let myself get lazy with my eating and exercise programs. Shame on me.
But hey, no sense whining about it, right? Get back on the horse and make it work, that's what I'm doing.
Later..... :-) Have a great Tuesday!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Welcome to "Living Low Carb and Lovin' It!"
I discovered low carb eating oh, about 5 weeks ago. It's working so well for me that I want to share this journey with others who might be interested.
I've been keeping a daily journal on a free online program called FITDAY. Fitday is a wonderful tool to help you track everything you eat, breaking it down into calories, fat grams, carbohydrate grams, and protein grams. You can also enter your exercise or daily calorie expenditure, see reports on your progress, etc. All for free! You can also purchase a version of Fitday that will do even more for you. I highly recommend it!
I'm following a diet called Kimkins. I hit an all-time high of 200 lbs back in mid-June, and said that's enough - not acceptable! I had seen the Women's World magazine article that featured the Kimkins diet, and said, I think I will try it.
10 days and 10 lbs later, I knew I was onto something.
(For your information, that slightly silly-sounding name is what some folks on a low-carb eating forum dubbed a weightloss program loosely based on Stillman's and Atkins, developed by a lady who used the forum siggie "Kimmer").
There's a lot to learn about this new way of eating, commonly abbreviated to "WOE". I'm still learning all I can about low carb lifestyles (there are many: Atkins, South Beach, Protein Power, Kimkins, Stillman's and more). The more I learn about the low carb way of eating, and how my body reacts to the variations I throw at it, the more I will be able to share here. My hope is to help others along the way. Welcome!!